What is Silk City Style?
Silk City Style, is a line of industrial theme street apparel that accurately represents Paterson, NJ as the first industrial city. It's a lifestyle brand that's sole purpose is to promote, celebrate, and symbolize American industry in Past, Present, and Future; Hence the slogan "Be Industrious" which is defined as "Diligent and Hard-Working". 

We pursue this goal by supporting and fueling passion for all forms of Art, Science, and Production. Put plainly Silk City Style is a fashion line that embodies the values of excellence in Innovative Industry. 

Our Roots

The Silk City Story

Over 200 years ago Alexander Hamilton stood and gazed in awe at the magnificent, natural beauty of the Great Paterson Falls. He was Completely captivated by the raw POWER of these falls. Most people simply saw flowing water over ancient cliff sides; Hamilton saw Industrial potential at its finest. With this he took action, and thus began one of the greatest turning points in history, “The American Industrial Revolution”. 

Paterson, NJ is, “the most important city you've never heard of”. Thanks to visionaries like Alexander Hamilton, Paterson was developed as “The First Planned Industrial City”. This humble town played a major role in the creation of the modern age; jump starting the Paper, Textile, Locomotive, Automotive, Aeronautics and Firearms industries that transformed the USA into the economic superpower it is today. Although many industries thrived in Paterson the most prominent one by far was the Silk Industry. Which resulted in the town's official nickname, “The Silk City” a name that would soon represent Industry and the American Dream for years to come.

Paterson (Silk City) was not just the home of industry but also the many innovations in technology that followed; giving birth to The First Colt Revolver, Roger Locomotives, The First Submarine, and of course (thanks to the 77ft falls in the middle of town) one of The First Hydro Powered Cities.

But it doesn’t stop there. The City of Silk and its historical factories extend far beyond just the products that were produced. This working town was also involved in many political and ideological changes in the country. In 1913, Paterson became a focal point of the labor movement when silk mill workers struck for six months, demanding improved working conditions. The 1913 Silk Strike focused national attention on the injustice faced by mill workers. Eventually encouraging later improvements to working conditions nationwide like; Child Labor Laws, Mandatory Breaks, Safety Laws, and The Eight-Hour Workday.

Do to it’s rich industrial history, Paterson, NJ has always experienced extremely diverse business and culture. Attracting immigrants in search of a new life, Paterson has seen many types of people through the years. Traveler and settlers from Italy, Ireland, England, Germany, France, Russia, Poland, South America, The Middle East, and many more called Paterson home. The effects of this cultural hub still seem to resonate throughout time, as Paterson is still one of the most densely diversified cities today.

As you can see the History speaks for itself. Paterson (Silk City) has made immense contributions, with not only national but international effect. This city has helped shape America, which in turn shaped the world. Our brand embodies the true spirit of Silk City and what it stands for. Industry, Innovation, and The American Dream.

We have not even begun to scratch the surface of Silk City history... Yes, there’s MORE! For more Paterson info and history, Please check out the link below.

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